Selasa, 10 April 2012

Apa Salahnya Menangis?

Para muslim - Apa salahnya menangis, jika memang dengan menangis itu manusia menjadi sadar. Sadar akan kelemahan-kelemahan dirinya, saat tiada lagi yang sanggup menolongnya dari keterpurukan selain Allah Swt. Kesadaran yang membawa manfaat dunia dan akhirat. Bukankah kondisi hati manusia tiada pernah stabil? Selalu berbolak balik menuruti keadaan yang dihadapinya.

Senin, 09 April 2012

linkfromblog business ppr

Advertise with my Blog

Register on a site and add your blog
Activate your blog. Activation consists in checking of the blog by a moderator. For this purpose you should place the invisible counter in one of the blog posts. The code of the counter will be given to you after registration
After acknowledgment that your blog is accepted, look at the list of offers accessible to bloggers, who have at least one activated blog, and choose what most appeals to you and your goals.
Send the invitation to the advertisers (located underneath the offer) and specify the price you are setting for the review.
Advertisers will then accept or reject the invitation - or may reply with a counteroffer. Some invitations remain open for a long time, therefore it is better to submit several invitations at once.
After your invitation has been approved by the advertiser, attentively study its requirements and write a post in the blog taking these requirements into account. Send to the advertiser the reference to the post.
The advertiser will check your work and if everything suits him or her, money will arrive into your account. However, he or she finds any defects, they may ask you to correct them. Advertisers have the right to refuse payment to those who fabricated knowledge about the subject in the invitation or those who didn't research the subject enough to write a proper review with proper grammar and spelling. Should a dispute arise, the definitive decision is determined by the Site Administrator. The basic document for decision-making are requirements of the Advertiser to a review and conformity of a review to these requirements.
We pass to point 3 and so on, during your pleasure.

advertise on blogs

Minggu, 08 April 2012

Ampuni Aku Wahai Cinta

Sudah mulai banyak yang mbahas tentang cinta.
Tapi benarkah diri ini sudah tahu tentang cinta???
Begitu mudahnya cinta diucapkan.................
Begitu mudahnya cinta diungkapkan...............
Begitu mudahnya cinta disebutkan............

Tahukah engkau CINTA Qoish pada Layla?
Yang memilih sebutan 'Majnun', 'GILA' bagi cinta?
Tahukah engkau kapan pertama kali Qoish bertemu dengan Layla?
Tahukah engkau kapan Qoish dekat, akrab dengan Layla?
Tahukah engkau saat Qoish merindukan Layla?
Tahukah engkau saat Qoish bertemu Layla?
Dan cukuplah itu membuat Qoish menjadi Majnun.

Saat pertama Qoish bertemu Layla,
Saat Qoish ingin selalu bertemu dengan Layla,
Saat Qoish menyebut-nyebut terus menerus nama Layla,

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